I was going to make this a wordless post completely, but couldn't really do that. I woke up thinking about how to go about writing my Camp Care post and realized writing wouldn't happen at all. There are simply no words. So I figured I'd give you all a glimpse of the amazing piece of my life that is Camp Care through the photos and memories of these wonderful, loving children! I'm sad to say that none of these photos are actually mine. Most days I forget my camera or was having too much fun to worry about pictures, but I have great friends who let me share theirs!
So here's a week in the life of a Camp Care Child: PT (there's no pics of that..sorry!!), Rec Time, Lake Time, and a few from the annual Talent Show!
Enjoy... :)

These children are what make Camp for me. And let me tell you, in 5 days, they heal our bodies, minds, and hearts, much more than we heal theirs. I am sure of it! The looks on there faces, like that of Dominic's, when they get to experience the freedom of water without fear, or like Bella when she got to play basketball, put life into perspective for me. Oh, and another thing, it is rare that we even know a child's diagnosis at Camp, unless a parent tells us or a therapist. That label simply doesn't matter here.
I had my own expereiences at Camp too, of course, much like I blogged about last year in this post. The difference this year was that I was a Camp Care (adult) Kid myself for the morning sessions, then volunteered in the afternoon. This means I went through the 2.5 hour PT session in the morning. It. Was. Amazing. A week of free, intensive PT like I've never gotten before and will be lucky to get again. There were so many changes for me throughout the week, from things like increasing my overall body and mechanics awareness to standing longer, straighter, and more confidently to, on the last day of camp, being able to kneel and almost sit back completely on my heels. Something I don't remember ever being able to do. So, for that, I'll leave you with a few more photos...

Photo Credits: Jennifer Walts and Theresa Kaminsky. Thanks girls!